
It's accessible that those characters

The Mortal Kombat X agenda looks like it's about to get a little bigger, based on ahandful of tweets from alternation co-creator Ed Boon. On Cheep this week, Boonteased "BIG (new) MKX annual koming this week," andtoday he tweeted what appears to be a quartet of new combatants advancing to Mortal Kombat X Cheap NFL 17 Coins.It's harder to accomplish out just who those characters are; they're presented in contour and fog, and based on Boon's common teases and misdirection, it's not even bright whether these are the silhouettes of the characters in actuality advancing to Mortal Kombat X. That said, here's today's brain-teaser image, which Boon commutual with the babble "Tomorrow?" Mortal Kombat X already includes a scattering of characters from the authorization who arise in non-playable anatomy Frost, Fujin, Baraka, Bo Rai Cho, Rain and others.

 It's accessible that those characters adeptness be mined for downloadable content.NetherRealm and administrator Warner Bros. Interactive already arise four add-on characters for Mortal Kombat X as allotment of the game'sKombat Pack. Tremor, Tanya, Jason Vorhees and the Predator are paid DLC, and accompany the game's agenda to 29 playable characters NFL 17 Coins.Mortal Kombat X was arise for PlayStation 4, Windows PC and Xbox One in April. Warner Bros.officially canceled the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 versions in August. For added on the game,read Polygon's review.Update Warner Bros. acclimatized today that Mortal Kombat X will get "new playable characters, banknote and a new environment" in the aboriginal bisected of 2016. Antecedent Ed Boon on Cheep Allotment Tweet

