
The demo apparent active on development

You're abroad from home on a business trip. Or at your in-laws' house. Or constant a arduous delay at the DMV. You're stuck. But if you've got a laptop attainable and a Wi-Fi arresting available, you'll be able to play a few holes in EA Sports' attainable Tiger Woods PGA Bout Online TOS Silver. The game, attainable afterwards this year on the PC and Mac (via a Web browser), was apparent abaft bankrupt doors at EA's contempo pre-E3 advertise in Los Angeles. We didn't get a adventitious to try it out for ourselves to see how it compares to the animate adaptation but, from the attending of things, it seems that the online adaptation will commensurable and, bigger yet, portable.

The demo, apparent active on development servers, looks as if it will be a analytic full-featured adaptation of Tiger beeline out of the box Cheap TOS Silver. But clashing the old Tiger PC games, Tiger Online will run in a Web browser, with the bold agreeable alive to your PC/Mac or laptop over your Internet connection. Based on what we saw of the demo, the animation attending commensurable to what we've apparent in contempo animate versions of Tiger and, as the producers said, the bold will calibration to your PC specs. Indeed, we saw two versions of the game, one active on a about high-end PC, the added on a added budget-minded laptop, and even the scaled-down adaptation seemed respectable. The absolute questions about Tiger Online will be how it plays and what agreeable will be attainable at launch.

